Monday, November 22, 2010

The Countdown Nears

Christmas really annoys me. Really annoys me.

Cutting down trees: environmentally stupid

Buying useless crap made in China: another shin kick to our economy

Gaudy decorating: stop it

That fucking music: shut it off, I'm trying to listen to something punk

Guilt: not enough time or money

The whole rip off make believe story about the baby: I'm not buying it

Materialistic values: suck!

Tinsel: ugly, cheap, crappy way to reflect light

Let's eat 200 pounds of white flour, butter, sugar cookies to stave off any minuscule sign of depression. Let's spend beyond our means so our friends and families continue to think that we are not part of the recession. Let's cut down trees for the fun of it. Let's go sit on the lap of a man we've never met and tell him we've been good or bad. Let's watch TV and beg for everything we saw advertised.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

No Miracle

You are not going to enjoy reading this. I had to get that out of the way. I am not writing this for you. This is for me.

When your back is hurting and your precious toddler at home woke you up at 3 o'clock this morning and you had an early shift:
I do not care.

When your questioning how you're going to afford to fly back to wherever the fuck you came from to see a band and then expect tax payers to foot your food bill:
I do not think I like you.

When you say, "You can always adopt," and make it sound like anyone can walk up to the counter and say, "I'll take the one in the third row," I think
YOU are missing the point.

When you write to the editor and say that "all His children are wanted" and that you're canceling your subscription because population control is a terrible idea:
you sound ignorant.

When any two-bit floozy can get pregnant while addicted to drugs: there is no miracle.

I don't think all that garbage created for children will ever go away. Plastic garbage, plastic mind.